Tuesday 1 March 2011

And Finally... Notes on a large island

Here I am, back home for the last few months and still reeling with my first experience in the USA. Still talking about it as if I had only just returned because even though reading through the previous entries in this Blog it seems I had spent the majority of my holiday drinking some form of alcohol, I still remember each day as vividly as if I was experiencing it at the time. From jumping out of a perfectly good airplane at two miles up, to zipping around Washington DC on segways, to sharing Jack Daniels shots with a genuine cavalry man, standing on top of the Empire State Building and looking at Manhattan below me, to seeing Ground Zero and feeling waves of emotion wash over me. 

But can I pick out one thing that was the best part of my holiday? One experience that sums up everything I did there? One moment when I said to myself, "This is the best time I am having"? There are to many to say, but when I look at all my photographs and the video I took I sit back, smile and remember the best holiday I have had so far...

Thank you Diane. I love you too much to put into words. You are my sister, my rock and my best friend. 

I will close this blog down now, please feel free to peruse the entries again - I know I will - and I leave you with the links to my pictures and my videos.