Wednesday 6 February 2008

T minus 74 Days & Counting

OK. I am officially confused. Yesterday was "Super Tuesday" when the Presidential Candidates would be confirmed by the media after a voting frenzy by millions of American voters over twenty-four States. By today we would know whether there would be a black or a female President of the United States of America... Hold on. News is just coming in that there are more than two people invloved in the Presidential Candidate Nomination race and that - if I can understand this item correctly - there is another political party involved. This is astonishing! For the first time in several months it has been confirmed that the President's own policital party, the Republican Party, has also been hosting Presidential Candidate nominations. However, as the nominees are white, affulent & old geezers with the personalities of 12-day dead sea cucumbers & the body ordour to match none of the UK News Media have bothered to record it. I never knew! I just thought is was Billary & Osama fighting it out in the "I'm more of a niche candidate that you, just look how down with the young folk I am" and the "Hey! I'm responsible! Give me your trillion dollars tax money & I promise I won't waste it in Iranqistan!".

The world's greatest democracy? I think not.

A true democracy is "one man, one vote" but when your average Joe in the US votes he is not directly choosing his preferred President. Depending on what sources you take your history lessons from - and I tend to choose the unbiased BBC Website, being the font of all relevant knowledge, and tipping a hat to Wikki every once in a while - the USA uses what is referred to as the Electoral College System. A system set up by the "Founding Fathers" of democracy (or a bunch of upstart shopkeepers not wanting to pay taxes to the King) the Electoral Colleges were used to select the preferred President because the originally thought that the electorat (i.e. the American People) were too uneducated and stupid to be trusted to select the "Commander in Chief". I suppose it is still true today.

What has all this got to do with my Holiday? Well, nothing really. But I am fascinated and it also refers back to my previous post on the US Economy - everything that happens in politics in some way affects the exchange rate of the Dollar to the Pound.

Also today, there has been violent tornadoes hitting Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi & Tennessee that have "killed" at least 47 people and injured dozens more - according to the BBC News Webiste. All I can say is I'm glad I am going to New York and not down south. Currently the temperature is 15 celcius with cloud, and the forecast for the coming week seems to be better than here.

But Mum & Dad are going to Tenerife in a month and at the moment the temperature is 22 celcius and unbroken sunshine... Well, you can't win them all...

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